Am I Secure? The cybersecurity solutions you must have in place to answer YES
Many firms have seen the recent cyber security headlines or were given a 10-page questionnaire when they went to renew/order cyber insurance. One thing is for certain, and that is you can’t hide anymore. More and more of the public is aware of cyber security protocols and the number of cyber attacks are growing daily, so putting your head in the sand is no longer an option. Here are some technologies you must have in place to truly be secure.
- 2FA/MFA – No one likes these solutions, but they do a great job at securing your accounts and should be used on every account you have.
- Professional email – You can’t use a carrier-provided (Comcast, Verizon, AOL, or Yahoo) account for your business communication. not only does it look unprofessional, but it is! The security on these accounts is very simplistic and you can’t verify any type of compliance using these accounts.
- Cybersecurity Awareness Training – Most cyber insurance companies require that you have at least an annual training completed by your staff, and some will ask for ongoing or more frequent training. These solutions are a great way to keep your staff informed on the risks out there and how to spot them.
- Account monitoring – Does someone have access to your email account right now? You probably answered No, but how would you know? Using a SOC (Security Operations Center) to monitor your email and cloud accounts is a great way to ensure if someone is trying to gain access to your accounts, you are made aware. These solutions monitor your accounts 24/7/365 and check for anomalies.
- Next-Gen Endpoint Protection – The days of buying an off-the-shelf anti-virus from your local office supply store and believing that will protect you from modern malicious actors is over. Every company needs a next-generation protection suite that can spot not only known threats but ones that may not be discovered yet.
- A trusted technology partner – All of these solutions require an experienced team to manage, implement, and report the findings of these solutions. We recommend every business work with an MSP to manage their cyber security.
If your company has all of these items implemented, you should be in great shape. If your firm needs assistance implementing any of these solutions, feel free to reach out to us at 610-792-5660